Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fuck you, Mother Nature.

Your behavior is absolutely unacceptable. Striking fear in the hearts of people is not okay. Dropping tornadoes in the middle of the night? Not okay. Having a shit ton of tornadoes in an area where people live whose homes have been hit before by your fucking bi-polar mood swings? DEFINITELY not okay. I don't know if you need an enema, hormone therapy, or your ass kicked, but this bullshit? I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.


  1. super scary. I have reoccurring nightmares about tornadoes all the time. i have no idea why. i've never even lived in an area that has them. i hope you are ok. i can't imagine how scary it would be to see one up close and personal.

  2. I spend a lot of time cursing nature, but not for the same reasons.

    When I am in L.A. it is because of earthquakes. Here in Australia it is bugs, birds that make sounds more apt for Stephen King films than peaceful forests, and whatever the hell makes those bushes move everyday when I take my walk.

    Fuck you, Mother Nature.

  3. Hello Crystal! We are okay! Only one trip to the closet last night. (Our tornado shelter is the coat closet under the stairs, we don't have a basement, unfortunately.) Tornadoes cause me such anxiety; not only because of what the are, but our home was hit in 2008 when we lived in Kansas. Since my husband is deployed, and I'm the only grownup in the house, it's just a little more nerve-wracking. Hopefully this next system that is supposed to be pretty gnarly moves through fast today. Thank you so much for checking in! (And I apologize for my language.) p.s. - I LOVE TEMECULA. :)

    Brooke, I can't imagine going on walks with unknown critters and bugs as big as softballs. We've lived in California for a while too, and I hate earthquakes too.
